The phrase “to walk a
mile in someone else’s shoes” takes on great significance after reading Martin
Luther King, Jr.’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” and Peter-Hans Kolvenbach’s “Service
of Faith and Promotion of Justice in Jesuit Higher Education.” This phrase is
commonly used as a means to encourage quick consideration of what it would or
could be like to live some aspect of one’s life differently. These writings
blast apart this limited interpretation and build this phrase into the definition
of how to view every facet of life. Kolvenbach’s and King’s works ask their
readers to not merely put on the shoes of the minorities they write about, but
try on the whole outfit and then go over to the house of the oppressed for
dinner. King and Kolvenbach demand that the reader change to a permanent,
intimate point of view which looks through the eyes of those suffering around
us until injustice disappears from our world.
The question of why we,
as an able society, allow suffering to continue around us is raised by both
Kolvenbach and King in their respective writings. The injustice in the world,
whether it manifests itself as poverty or segregation, is avoidable; if
everyone with the means to bring about justice acted, equality could easily be
attained. We allow injustice to continue because we have the luxury of doing
so. We can ignore the turmoil that fills headlines and swirls around us every
day simply because we do not have to directly experience it. Kolvenbach and MLK
call on their readers to slip out of this complacency and “let the gritty
reality of this world into their lives” (Kolvenbach 35). In order to act in
solidarity we must understand those whom we serve to the greatest extent that
can be attained; understanding can be reached only through viewing the world
from the perspective of those who suffer. We should transport ourselves into
the state of the individual we wish to serve in much the same way we strive as
travelers to experience foreign lands as the locals do. The reality that we
surround ourselves in is a false one and to truly eradicate injustice we must
admit this as the truth. King and Kolvenbach ask their readers to break down
the walls of this false reality. The truth that slips in through the chinks
will never be enough to motivate the general population to act on the behalf of
the humans in this world who still suffer from injustice.
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