Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Travel Through (Jesuit) Education

Throughout our class discussions, we have talked about many different forms of travel. Travel through education is something that every student at Loyola can relate to and what Kolvenbach describes in his speech. In particular, he talks about how the goal of Jesuit education is essentially to mold students. He states, "The real measure of our Jesuit universities lies in who our students become" (34). This indicates  a kind of transformation or journey that students must go through. This goes along with the Jesuit philosophy of educating "the whole person". Unlike many schools, Jesuit universities foster the development of the mind, body, and spirit, and aim at making their students, "men and women for others". This type of education involves not only academics but an immersion into different cultures and ways of life. As part of the facet of Jesuit education, "the promotion of justice", Kolvenbach argues that it is essential for students to engage in "close involvement with the poor and order to learn about reality and become adults of solidarity in the future" (35). In this way, students travel physically in their education to help and serve the poor, as part of their education.

Within Kolvenbach's speech, he quotes Father Ignacio Ellcuria, who states, "the university should be present intellectually where it is needed: to provide science for those who have no science; to provide skills for the unskilled..."(30). This again, indicates a physical form of travel in education, but also a mental one. The university not only provides these services to those outside of it but also to the students. This is reminiscent of the basic idea behind "the core". It is about giving students skills they do not naturally possess, or are not naturally proficient in. Students learn about themselves throughout the core. They discover strengths where they may not have seen them before. This is another aspect of travel through education.

On page 35, Kolvenbach discusses how students of Jesuit universities are involved in programs such as tutoring, demonstrations, and volunteer work and how these add to a students overall education. He states, "these should not be too optional or peripheral, but at the core of every Jesuit university's program of studies" (35). In a Jesuit university, students are immersed in a multifaceted experience, or journey, to become well rounded men and women for others. The whole point of a Jesuit education, as illustrate by Kolvenbach, is to send the students on a journey of self discovery.

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